School of Creative

Hanis Husin

MA Creative Writing

MA Creative Writing
2021 — 2022

Hanis Husin, a true child of sunny city-state Singapore, has dedicated years to the non-profit sector. With a BA(Hons) in Arts Management and a recent MA in Creative Writing, she strives to support the literary arts community through her day job. She is also the creative director of a small press, passionately producing works for the Malay-Muslim readers.

When not living a thousand lives through books, she weaves poetry, exploring the depths of self. She is working on her debut novel – a dystopian tale set in Singapore, delving into themes of identity and history.

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Thesis work

Hannah - Poetry and Prose of Another Life is a poetry compilation that experiments the use of a persona for self-exploration. Through free verse, it aims to portray the persona's evolution across three stages: fragmentation, loss, and the dismantling of the self with eloquent poetic expression and delving into the intricate depths of personal identity and introspection.

Rooted (working title, work-in-progress) – set in dystopian Singapore, Na discovers a hidden community of survivors residing underground. Embracing her role as a runner, she fearlessly navigates the treacherous catacombs and tunnels that connect the island's disparate districts. However, her world is upended when she stumbles upon an enchanting utopia in the East. A quest for survival and a fight to belong, where the pursuit of self-preservation is eclipsed by the impending conflict and the dark history that threatens to shatter their fragile existence.

Work experience

Published works

Husin, Hanis (2022). Carrying the Sun in Us. Sampan: The LASALLE Anthology of Creative Writing, Vol. 1 (2022), pp. 222-223. Retrieved from: