School of
Dance & Theatre

Liew Ai Wen

Liew Ai Wen

BA(Hons) Musical Theatre
2019 — 2022

Ai Wen’s heart soared when she watched Elphaba defy gravity in Wicked at the Marina Bay Sands Theatre at the age of 11. The magic created on that stage was something she knew she could not live without. After endless quests and adventures, she finally succeeded in being able to pursue musical theatre professionally at 18, when she entered LASALLE College of the Arts.

Other than the must-have skill of every quester — horseback riding, Ai Wen has accumulated numerous skills in her 21 years of life, including violin, gymnastics, painting and whistling. Not only do these skills aid her in singing and dancing, they also make her a versatile and flexible actor. Equipped with LASALLE's training, she is excited to continue her quest to fight for her achievements and dreams in the performing arts.

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