School of
Dance & Theatre

Dineaish S/O Rajendran

Dineaish S/O Rajendran

Diploma in Dance
2019 — 2022

Dineaish is pursuing an education in dance, and is graduating with a Diploma in Dance from LASALLE College of the Arts. He is a versatile dancer with over 10 years of dancing experience and has trained in a variety of genres such as hip hop, Latin ballroom, ballet, contemporary, and jazz. Beginning with street and Latin ballroom training, Dineaish has received several awards locally and internationally over the years. In SOTA, he went through intense ballet and contemporary training for four years before coming to LASALLE. Having been exposed to a variety of genres, Dineaish expresses himself on stage with ease. He is in his element and shines on stage, where he gets to do what he loves best – performing.

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